We really had some fancy targets. NOT!!! Dave drug out a piece of plywood, we stapled some old CD's to it, put a box with old phonebooks in it, of course lined up some pop cans to mangle and WALA we were ready to shoot. We shot for the better part of 3 hours with coffee breaks scattered a couple of times. Time sure does fly when the "boys" with their toys get together to play, LOL! A closeup of the CD's after a couple rounds of shooting. Pay no attention to the accuracy. LOL. But look how well the CD's stood up to the abuse. Don Clark, out of Richmond Ind. Shooting a Sheridan "C" model .20 cal. with a custom (his own) stock. It addresses the concerns of shooters who cannot afford a big expensive air gun. He got a good group at 35 yards with 5 pumps. He stated that he wsa going to try to shoot at the next few matchesHope he will be shooting the fun shoot with the CMO, and the F/T shoot too!!! thom